
Fortunes Up for Interpretation - Dragonwing Girl

Fortunes Up for Interpretation

Pick a path with heart
I know, I know. The wise fortune cookie writers probably had deeper endeavors in mind when writing this fortune. Oh well. Today, I picked my path with heart. Today, a Sunday in late January, my path was Netflix. I woke up at 9:03 am. It took me until 10:47 am to get out of bed. An hour and 44 minutes. That would be a full run through my Twitter and Instagram timelines, the Snapchat stories, my texts—all three of them—and two full episodes of "Lost." A great morning if you ask me. At 10:47, since I had already wasted those two hours, I decided the window for productivity for the entire day had closed. Basically, I ruined the possibility for anything to actually get done (other than finishing another season) I continued. This time with some food in my system.
If there's anything better than a Netflix day, it's a Netflix day with really really good snacks.
Is there real stuff I could be doing? Well, of course. I'll get it done. Maybe...tomorrow (I promise that isn't what I said yesterday). And besides, filling out statistics worksheets brings me about one-third of the joy that muscly shirtless boys do walking around "The Island" trying to save the world. And while I might have to scramble to finish my worksheet before class tomorrow, at least I can say something like, "it was my fortune to enjoy my day like this!" Nobody can get mad at the universe (or the universes' messengers in the form of fortune writers), right?! Lucky numbers: 50: Number of handfuls of goldfish I’ve scooped into my mouth 47: Number of minutes per episode 22: Number of episodes in a season 1: Number of seasons I started and finished today 35: Number of times I thought about working out (Coincidentally, it’s also the number of times I chose not to workout) 20: Minutes it would take to just finish the worksheet
Hello December...and almost January! - Dragonwing Girl

Hello December...and almost January!

I know, it’s been a couple months…when I said I was a busy girl, I wasn't kidding. But I’ve made it through the rough patch of my senior year, and, more importantly, I’ve made it through another full year. They say that these last few days of the year are a time to reflect. We think about the milestone events that happened in the past 12 months. We think about the best days we had, the vacations we took, awards we achieved, tournaments we (almost) won, and friends we made. However, sometimes only the biggest events (like starting senior year, or going to the Justin Timberlake concert) come to our head. Sometimes, the bad events might even overpower the good in our memories, so we can’t smile and be proud of our year. Good or bad, that’s a lot of things to keep straight and remember about the past 12 months. Every year is a good year, it just might be tough to remember why. So, to solve that exact problem, starting January 1st of last year, I decided I was going to write down all of the highlights from the year. After every fun day, exciting night, or memorable moment, I would write down all the details of the great day. I like to include the tiny details, like “when my friend and I smiled across the room at an inside joke that our teacher said”, or “he said these exact words to me” because they’re details that can only be remembered if they’re written down. I put them on a small piece of paper, and into a jar that doesn’t get opened until December 31st. Last year, opening the notes was incredible. There were a lot of big events that I remembered, but there were also lots of little sayings or small moments that I had completely forgotten about, and opening all of them put a huge smile on my face. Since I enjoyed it so much, I decided to do it again this year, and my jar is twice as full as it was a year ago. Now, just a few short days stand in between me and all of my memories and I can’t wait to reminisce, and then start all over again next year!